Dream Deposits
Imagine investing in real estate without using any cash of your own! Now you can with Dream Deposits.
Merchants can sell goods and services, trade excess stock, or sell idle capacity and turn their digital dollars into real estate.
Consumers can also enjoy the benefits of using digital dollars by, buying real estate, via a Dream Deposit Facility.
How it Works:
Access Commercial Exchange has a list of builders, investors and property developers that have available properties for sale to our member base using the Dream Deposit Facility.
A consumer selects a property with a percentage of Dream Deposit. In most cases the deposit is 20% of the value of the property. The Consumer will use the Dream Deposit and borrow the difference from the bank. In most cases the consumer does not need to put in any cash into the property purchase to pay the vendor. The consumer will then repay the interest free line of credit, back, based on capacity over a period of time. With the assistance of Access Commercial Exchange the repayments are accelerated without additional cash. Consumer members enjoy multiplied repayments of between 2 and 4 times the cash value with an easy and interest free repayment plan. A great way to growth your wealth!
Contact us to find out more.